Cllr Jon Barry, Green Group leader, explains the Green Party position on the budget

6 March 2017

I am glad that £14k of funding for youth activities at the Marsh Community Centre was agreed at last week’s Full Council meeting.

The County Council’s budget is clearly in a very difficult position, especially with the pressure for Adult Social Care spending. However, the City Council’s position is rather better. It has £6m of reserves allocated for specific projects. These include £400k to be spent on legal and commercial advisers for the Canal Corridor development and a new £500k pot to be spent on ‘economic development’. The City Council also has £3m of unallocated reserves. Some of these will be used to offset future government funding cuts. However, with this amount of money in the coffers, persuading Labour councillors to spend £14k on youth activities in one of the district’s more deprived areas doesn’t seem too much to ask.

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