Funding a Farm Start Feasibility Study

21 February 2018

LESS, a Lancaster-based not-for-profit company, is seeking £1,000 in donations to fund a feasibility study for a starter farm incubator scheme (FarmStart) in the Lancaster District. FarmStart is a form of business
incubator that enables individuals to make the gradual transition from community or allotment growing to commercial food production, offering: access to land, training from experienced organic growers/ food businesses and support in accessing local markets. This support is offered over a set time scale - up to 5 years for example. ‘FarmStarters’ then leave the incubator with the experience required to start sustainable growing businesses; strengthening local sustainable food supply chains.

If you want to find out more, or are interested in supporting this exciting work please contact by the 23rd February 2018. We hope for the feasibility work to start in March 2018.

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