NLGP Fundraising Appeal

5 April 2018

We are planning ahead for the 2019 City Council elections as well as 2018 by-elections, which together will cost many thousands of pounds (mainly for printing of leaflets and other campaign materials). It would be a big help to have more regular donations from NLGP members so that we can focus on
ward projects and campaigns rather than having to organise fundraising events. 
If you are able to, please support the local Green Party with a monthly or annual direct debit or standing order – payable to Sort Code: 08-92-99, Account No: 65174256. Please inform our treasurer, Stephen
(, with your name, address and donation amount if you decide to do this. Thank you!
Another way that you could help is by switching your phone/broadband provider to the Phone Coop ( By quoting AF095 when you sign up, North Lancashire Green Party will receive a donation from the Phone Coop, worth 6% of your monthly bill, every month! They are an ethical UK-based co-operative and provide excellent customer support.

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