Please respond to important planning policy consultation by 10th May.

7 May 2018

The government are currently consulting on a new draft of what is probably the most important planning document in the country. It's called the National Planning Policy Framework - or NPPF for short. The NPPF sets out planning policy guidelines for all planning applications in the UK - including fracking . And they are trying to make things even easier for oil and gas companies to frack near your home. But we can change that if we all act together to object to these new industry-friendly planning guidelines. 

To find out how you can help, please visit Frack Free Ryedale’s website ( , where you'll find clear and easy-to-follow guidelines and downloadable guides on how best to respond to the consultation. It'll only take you a few minutes and the deadline is end of this Thursday, so DON'T DELAY - DO IT TODAY!

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