Alistair Sinclair

Man with glasses smiling on a busy street with roadworks

Alistair Sinclair grew up in Barrow and West Africa and went to Lancaster University in 1984. He was active in CND and Anti-Apartheid in the 80’s. He spent 11 years in Kent, where he worked with abused children and homeless people, and became a climate action activist in the mid-90’s in anti-road protests.

Alistair returned to Lancaster in 1999 to work for a drug charity and raise a family. In 2018 he co-founded the Canal Quarter Action Group and Morecambe Bay XR (Extinction Rebellion). In 2010 Alistair co-founded the UK Recovery Federation (a Community Interest Company) which established the first UK Recovery Walk and UK Recovery Month, for people with drug, alcohol and/or mental health issues in recovery and recovering. Alistair has thirty years lived experience of mental health issues.

Alistair has experience in therapeutic childcare, disabilities, homelessness, drugs and alcohol rehabilitation, mental health, asset-based community development and recovery-orientated practice. He is a qualified person-centred counsellor and youth and community worker and has managed Services at operational and senior levels

Alistair became a Lancaster City Councillor for John O Gaunt ward in 2019. He was elected representing the Labour Party, then defected as one of  a group of five Eco-Socialist Independants, before joining the Green Party in 2022.  Alistair was Cabinet Member for Communities and Social Justice from May 2019 to November 2020. 


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