North Lancashire Green Party is a local party of the Green Party of England & Wales covering the districts of Lancaster and Wyre including Morecambe, Carnforth, Garstang, Fleetwood, and the Lune Valley.
Some History: From Lancaster City Council, to Lancashire County Council, to Europe
Our first 5 Green Councillors were elected to Lancaster City Council in 1999. Jon Barry was Lancaster’s first Green Mayor in 2015/16. Cllr Gina Dowding, a City Councillor (since 1999), County Councillor (since 2013) and our General Election Candidate for Morecambe and Lunesdale, was also (briefly – before Brexit!) a Green Member of the European Parliament for the North West.
We have been part of a shared administration of Lancaster City Council with other political parties since 2019. Cllr Caroline Jackson was the first Green Leader of the Council from 2021-23.
In the 2023 Local Elections we won 21 (out of 61) seats on Lancaster City Council. We have 4 Councillors in the Cabinet (with the portfolios of Finance, Housing, Climate Emergency, and Economic Development) along with 5 Labour and 1 Liberal Democrat Councillors. Cllr Caroline Jackson is the Deputy Leader.
For 2024/25, Cllr Abi Mills is the Mayor and her son Cllr Hamish Mills is the Deputy Mayor. You can follow the events of their mayoral year on Facebook – Mayor of Lancaster.
This website is new as of August 2024. Please bear with us while we learn to edit it and transfer the content from our old website.
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Get involved to help get Greens elected. A Green Councillor can make a world of difference to your local area.