Lancaster Green Party response to Local Plan

1 March 2017

The Green party held a well-attended public meeting at Lancaster Methodist Church on Thursday, 23rd February, to discuss the need for new housing in Lancaster and the opportunities and threats of the Bailrigg garden village proposal.

Cllr Abi Mills, Green party city councillor for Scotforth West, who organised the meeting said: “Many people will be aware that the city council is currently consulting on its plans to allocate land for 13500 new homes in the district by 2031. The Green party is concerned about the scale of the city council's plans given the highly questionable assumptions on population and jobs growth which underpin them.”

County Cllr Gina Dowding, whose Lancaster Central division covers the western portion of the 'garden village' land-take, chaired the meeting. She added: “Greens are keenly aware of the need to make housing affordable to younger people in particular, whether they are renting or buying. And we also want housing which is designed intelligently so that it is cheaper to run and has a lower carbon footprint. But that can be achieved without urbanising large swathes of beautiful, wooded countryside.”

City Cllr Tim Hamilton-Cox, who spoke at the meeting, said“In truth Bailrigg garden village – and indeed 'South Lancaster Housing Initiative' is its alternative title - is the Urban Extension 1 of 2015 re-branded and extended. And we've learned that the council's view is that the proposed road infrastructure would allow the construction of not just 3000, but at least 5000, new homes between Lancaster and Galgate - as well as a new business park - which would surely eliminate any separation between the settlements. 

See campaigns tab on Local Plan and Housing for more information or click here 

The examples of Halton Mill (locally) and Bicester eco-town (nationally) indicate what is possible in delivering truly sustainable, high-quality new homes. And a more properly 'village' approach to greenfield development – as well as more imaginative use of brownfield opportunities - fits with the more probable population and jobs growth outcomes and with maintaining Lancaster as one of the 10 best places to live in the country. We would urge anyone who shares our concerns to respond to the consultation which closes on 24th March.

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