Green comment on City Budget agreement

3 March 2017

After the 5 hours long budget meeting of Lancaster City Council; 

Councillor Jon Barry, Green Party group leader said:
"We are glad that the centre has been able to receive continued funding for its youth activities. It has received them ever since the Single Regeneration Budget finished in around 2003 and so we were naturally upset that they were to be cut."

"The City Council is currently in a strong financial position with £3m of unallocated reserves. This year, it added to these reserves by £165k and has put £500,000 in a new economic development fund. Thus, we think that £14,000 spent on youth provision on the Marsh is an excellent use of the Council's money."

"Previously, the City Council has given the grant quarterly. However, this year the system was changed without the centre being informed - the new system was that the Council expected the centre to invoice for the money. Anyway, now that the situation has been resolved, things will run smoothly next year. What is not in doubt is the excellent use of this money in providing activities."

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