County refuses to prioritise Morecambe for share of transport millions

21 March 2024

Despite almost unanimous support at a City Council meeting to call for investment in rail services between Lancaster and Morecambe, the following day the County Council Conservative Group refused to support a similar call from County Councillor Gina Dowding.

Cllr Dowding asked the County Council to push for investment in an electric train service on the Morecambe to Lancaster line at the 14th March County Council meeting. 

Cllr Dowding had submitted a motion requesting the County to put Morecambe and Lancaster district transport links at the top of its priorities for investment. According to an announcement last month Lancashire is to receive £494 million of investment for transforming transport over the next seven years.

Councillor Dowding said:

The Eden Project Morecambe could have a hugely beneficial impact on the local economy and it would be far better served with investment in reliable, high quality, low carbon transport options – which should include measures that will improve the quality of life for our local residents.

Following the investment in the Bay Gateway – there is now a desperate need to look at wider issues of sustainable transport. Firstly we desperately need to upgrade the rail service to either electrification of the line or via battery train alternatives. Investment in infrastructure for walking and cycling, and permanent pedestrianisation of some of the current road space such as happens during Morecambe’s successful festivals, would create a much nicer, safer and quieter public space along the front.  And there is also a need to look at reducing on-street visitor parking in residential areas to avoid disruption to residents once the Eden project is open and attracting thousands of visitors.

Her motion was supported by Labour Councillors but rejected by the Conservative majority on the County and so did not pass. 

Gina added: 

“The Conservative administration at County has no coherent plan for sustainable transport in Morecambe or Lancaster at present, and certainly no funding identified for one - so the use of this funding is very appropriate. They must commit to funding sustainable transport for this district.”

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