Wain Homes lose appeal against City Council’s refusal of 100+ extra homes on the edge of Galgate

12 May 2024

The appeal by Wain Homes against the City Council’s refusal of planning permission for over 100 dwellings at the land above Meadow Park, off Highland Brow in Galgate has been dismissed by a planning inspector. This means the proposed development as it stands cannot not go ahead.

Ellel Cllr Sally Maddocks has welcomed the outcome, which was published on 3 May.

Sally has supported residents in their opposition to the scheme from the start, over 18 months ago . She spoke against the application at planning committee last year and addressed the planning inspector twice at the planning inquiry in February this year, along with other residents.

Sally said:

“This may turn out to be a landmark decision and likely to have a bearing on other applications on sites subject to flood risk in the Lancaster district.

“National planning policy states that development should not be permitted on a site if there are reasonably available sites in other areas with a lower risk of flooding. This is referred to as the sequential test. The inspector determined that Wain Homes did not provide evidence of an adequate sequential test. The developer had not set out why alternative sites elsewhere in the district could not be used.

“Residents in Meadow Park, and in Galgate more widely, are relieved and delighted by the decision. I was pleased I could contribute to their campaign in a meaningful and positive way. This decision has helped a lot of residents sleep better at night without the constant worry of the homes being flooded because of the proposed development above them.” 

Sally added:

“If the developer does come back with a new proposal, it will have to be assessed against national planning policy rules which were revised in December 2023, and in the light of the planning inspector’s decision.”

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