Amelia Jones

Amelia became involved in the Green Party through the Lancaster University Young Greens, which she helped create, and has found fulfilment working with similar minded people. Within this society, Amelia has engaged in climate events and helped to create a community which supports local and national campaigns. 

Amelia is passionate about circular economy and community engagement, believes that being values-driven is a strength and not a weakness, and wants to inspire more young women to get involved in politics. 

Amelia was a Carnforth and Millhead Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023, and stood for 

  •  phasing out fossil fuels and increasing investment in renewable energy
  • accessible public transport
  • more opportunities for climate action
  • improved climate education so more people feel empowered to take action
  • more initiatives to boost social cohesion, provide jobs and tackle waste at a local level.








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