Anna McCoy

Anna has lived in Silverdale for 10 years with her husband and has a young son who attends the local Primary School.  She has worked in the field of Environmental Education for 15 years, seeking to engage children and their families with nature and inspire them to take action to protect the natural world.  She is a trained Forest School practitioner and runs weekly sessions for the youngest children in the church grounds.  She is also recently elected as a parent governor at the school. 

Anna loves living in the wonderful community of Silverdale and wants this community to continue to thrive for all generations within it. She strongly believes that a Green Party councillor can work hard for this village, to ensure that it can be sustainable in the future and deliver the services that are needed to keep the community growing and living better. 

Anna has been a Green Party member for 20 years and has been quietly doing her bit, however she feels that this is no longer enough and that if we wish to see action on climate change and see a brighter future for our children then we must vote for it now.

Anna was a Silverdale Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023. 


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