Jon Sear

Jon has lived in North Lancashire for over 25 years and served on Lancashire County Council in his 20s.  For the past 10 years, he’s lived in Halton, where he and a group of friends got together to develop new homes and regenerated business space on the old Luneside Engineering site. He was very active in helping to set up Halton Lune Hydro, and the Marsh Community Centre.

Jon now works part-time as a researcher for a small charity, and does some freelance work on housing and public transport. 

Jon is very focussed on getting things done, and if elected could bring particular skills and knowledge in housing, planning, transport and community ownership of facilities.  He was originally trained as an ecologist so wildlife and habitats are also a passion.

Jon was a Carnforth and Millhead Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023.







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