Sarah Hester


Sarah works for the NHS in an area of law called Freedom of Information.  She has previously been a Local Group Coordinator for Greenpeace and run a small organic food business.

Sarah is standing as a candidate for the Green Party in Morecambe West because she wants to give residents the chance to vote for the most active, engaged and effective party in Morecambe and Lancaster at doing things which are good for local people, their neighbourhood and town.

Sarah was a West End Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023. 

Sarah believes the Green Party, locally and nationally, is THE party to be part of for their work on:

Supporting local communities and tackling poverty

Enabling small businesses, tourism and culture to thrive

Cosy and affordable homes - in the right places

Green spaces for people and wildlife

A transport system for clean air and safe streets

Urgent action on the climate crisis








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