Cllr Caroline Jackson - Deputy Leader of Lancaster City Council & Councillor for Bulk Ward

Caroline Jackson

Caroline was a teacher in Lancaster for 17 years, finishing as head teacher of Hornby High School until it closed. She founded the Claver Hill community food project, on 6 acres of land on the edge of Lancaster.  Caroline was first elected to represent Bulk ward in a by-election in May 2013, and has stayed in post ever since. In 2021 she became the first Green leader of a council in the North West of England as the Leader of Lancaster City Council. After the 2023 elections, Caroline became the Deputy Leader, and is on Cabinet with the Housing portfolio, which includes private sector and social housing, caravan and traveller sites, refugee and asylum seeker housing, as well as household support and resilience.

Caroline says:

I have lived in Lancashire for thirty years, and worked as a teacher. I believe in the power of Lancashire communities where people look after each other and stand up for what they believe in. Over the past ten years I have been in the centre of local issues, working hard as a charity volunteer, an environmental campaigner and an elected city councillor. My vision is for a future that’s fair and just, protecting our livelihoods and our environment from economic uncertainty and climate change.

To contact Cllr Jackson – email:

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