Grace Russell - Lancaster City Councillor for John O'Gaunt Ward

 Grace is 23 years old and returned to Lancaster after graduating with a degree in Media and Communications from Loughborough University. She currently works part-time at Booths supermarket in Scotforth. Grace was elected to represent John O Gaunt Ward in 2023. 

Grace is passionate about living sustainably and helping others to do the same. For example, she cycles, has a plant-based diet and is very interested in plastic waste reduction and recycling. She uses social media to share her knowledge and enthusiasm for eco-conscious lifestyle choices and tips – for example, how to make eco bricks from waste, for use as energy-efficient building materials. She has recently volunteered with Relic Plastic – a local recycling company which turns plastic bottle tops into useful, beautiful things to keep.

For the past few years Grace has been doing regular clean-ups along the River Lune, making a huge difference to reducing the amount of plastic litter there, which can harm wildlife as well as being an eye-sore.

In Spring 2023 Grace worked with campaigners at Halton Mill to run an online course called ‘Dom, Bruno & the Amazon’ to educate people on the humanitarian and climate crisis in the Amazon, and what we can do about it.

Grace says: “I care a great deal about my local community – residents and wildlife. I want to help people where I can, and protect the environment from pollution and harmful development. I am inspired by the Green Party’s policies and its hard-working councillors, whose values align with my own. I will do all that I can to make impactful improvements in John O’Gaunt ward and across the whole district. I believe that the best way to address the big global challenges is to start with action in our own local communities.”

To contact Grace, please email:

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