Mike Wright

 Mike Wright lives near Caton and is an enthusiastic member of the local community.  He is a parish councillor and a member of the council’s Working Groups relating to the local environment and the annual budget. He is also active in a local environmental network which is aiming to help the community to reduce its carbon footprint.  In addition, Mike is a governor of Caton Primary School and serves on its Curriculum and Standards Committee.  The school has improved enormously over the last few years and Mike is keen to help ensure that this improvement is maintained and strengthened further.

Until his retirement in 2020, Mike was a Professor of Operational Research at Lancaster University, where he was employed for 35 years, teaching and supervising students at both undergraduate and postgraduate level and undertaking a number of senior academic management roles, as well as pursuing internationally renowned research primarily into practical applications of sports timetabling, where he is still active.  

Mike is married with three children and four grandchildren, as well as various animals. He keeps both physically and mentally active in a variety of ways ranging from running, yoga and tennis to being a member of a choir, a book group and a pub quiz team, as well as an unrealistically optimistic supporter of Lancaster City Football Club.

Mike was a Lower Lune Valley Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023. 




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