Nancy Mills - NLGP Disputes and Complaints Manager

 Nancy is 19 years old and grew up in Scotforth. Having recently completed A-levels, Nancy has decided to stay in Lancaster and get even more involved in the Green Party, building on their experience of active involvement in green campaigns over the last few years. For example, Nancy has been an organiser for Lancaster Youth for the Environment (LYFE), which champions and encourages young people to voice their concerns about climate change. 

Nancy has had a chronic illness, called ME/CFS, since 2016.

Nancy was the Scotforth East Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023, and came within a handful of votes of winning the seat. During the campaign, Nancy said:

“As a disabled person, being a community activist isn’t easy, but I am prepared for this and I am passionate about uplifting disabled voices and concerns in all aspects of life. I would be able to do that even more effectively as a City Councillor, and I feel that we need to do more to promote equality and diversity in local councils and in our communities. I can bring fresh perspectives and different experiences as a young disabled person.”

Nancy was co-opted into the new role of Local Party Disputes and Complaints Manager in 2023. The role is to be an initial point of contact and oversee the process for dealing with any disputes, complaints and grievances (informal or formal), in accordance with agreed NLGP procedure.

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To be sent details of green-themed local events, community campaigns and consultations, volunteering and job opportunities, and news from Green Councillors in North Lancashire by email approximately every two weeks. 

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