Mandy Bannon - Lancaster City Councillor for Marsh Ward

Mandy Bannon

Mandy is passionate about serving the residents of Marsh ward, where she has lived for 26 years.

A councillor since 2019, Mandy has helped to save Freeman’s Wood, and is now a trustee of the charity formed to buy the land. She has worked with Friends of Marsh to raise funds to refit a local playpark and has solved many practical issues for her ward’s residents. 

An active member of the Fairfield Association for many years, Mandy successfully campaigned to have a public right of way opened between the Millennium Orchard and Towneley Close.

Mandy has recently succeeded in leading a call to establish Lancaster as a Mayors for Peace City.

A former journalist, Mandy has worked in education marketing and social research and now works for Citizens Advice.

She enjoys birdwatching along the Lune and other local green spaces.

To contact Cllr Bannon - email:

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