Paul Tynan - Lancaster City Councillor for Ellel Ward

 Paul Tynan is 62 years young, and was a local GP in Lancaster for 30 years before retiring in 2019. His wife, Jan, is an ex-nurse and they have 2 grown-up children who went to school in Lancaster. Paul and Jan are involved in a charity that teaches medicine to doctors and nurses in Cambodia. Paul is also a member of Dynamo and is involved in the City of Lancaster Cycle Project, helping to fix bikes for refugees. 

Paul was elected to Lancaster City Council to represent Ellel ward in 2023. 

Paul is a keen fellrunner, a bee-keeper, and a footpath warden for the Peak and Northern Footpath Society. His role is to report “problems” in the parishes of Scotforth, Ellel and Quernmore, and to walk all the footpaths in those areas once a year.

Paul says: “I have an electric car and solar panels, and compost and recycle as much as possible, but we need political action as well as individual action to tackle climate change. I got more involved in the Green Party to address inequalities, and help our local communities to thrive. I believe cycling offers solutions to health and transport needs, but we need safer roads for it to work for many more people. I am concerned about the plans for a large new town in South Lancaster and want to help residents of Ellel to resist developments that will do more harm than good.”

 To contact Cllr Tynan, email:

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