Isabella Metcalf-Reiner - Lancaster City Councillor for Castle Ward; NLGP Internal Communications and Campaigns Officer

Izzy has lived in Lancaster for over 4 years. She graduated from a Geography and Spanish degree in 2023, and is currently studying for a master's in Environment, Culture and Society.

Izzy was elected to represent Castle Ward, where she lives, in a by-election in 2024

Izzy says:
“I love Lancaster and want to see the area, city and community thrive. I am interested in creating new small-scale green spaces, such as 'pocket parks', in the town centre to increase biodiversity and in measures to reduce traffic and air pollution in the centre and making walking, cycling and public transport easier and more accessible for everyone."


Izzy campaigned on bringing a fresh and inclusive approach to the table, and ensuring that everyone's voices are heard and valued.

Izzy is heavily involved in the local Green Party. She started by co-ordinating the Lancaster Young Greens Society, running weekly events to encourage students and young people to engage in politics. Then she also became a member of the executive as Internal Communications Officer, and finally in May 2024 was additionally appointed as Campaign Organiser, a permanent new part-time role, focusing on building capacity to achieve our strategic goals of getting many more Green Councillors and a Green MP elected in North Lancashire by 2029.

Nationally, Izzy also sits on the Young Green Students Committee, which campaigns on student issues and supports Green Party student groups across the country. 

Izzy is passionate about environmental and social justice and has volunteered at the Women’s Environmental Network as an events and social media assistant, working particularly on their Environmenstrual and Feminist Green New Deal campaigns. She is interested in policy-making, embedding greater participation into urban planning and local government, and implementing a Just Transition at all scales. Outside of politics, she enjoys playing netball and is on her college team.

She is interested in policy-making, embedding greater participation into urban planning and local government, and implementing a Just Transition at all scales. Outside of politics, Isabella enjoys playing netball and is on her college team.


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A Green MP for Lancaster and Wyre: With Your Help!

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Lancaster and Wyre Constituency 60 Second Survey

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