Sean Hughes

Sean Hughes

Sean has been involved with the Green Party for many years and a member since the early noughties, initially in Manchester and in Lancaster since moving here in 2013. He is a lecturer at Lancaster University working in the Division of Health Research, specialising in palliative and end of life care.

Sean joined the Green party because of concerns about the environment and how human activity negatively impacts on the planet as a whole. He then became more interested in what can be done by us as individuals and in local communities to counter these effects and to live more sustainably,  including developing policies that protect our green spaces, improve our public transport systems, reduce food miles, and support local business development and jobs. 

Sean was a Bare Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023. 


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A Green MP for Lancaster and Wyre: With Your Help!

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Click to find out why - and how.

Lancaster and Wyre Constituency 60 Second Survey

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Our movement is growing. We need as many people on board as possible to change the nature of politics in England and Wales.

Did you know that you don't have to become a member to help us build fairer greener communities? We are inviting everyone to become a Green Friend, because you don’t have to be a member of the Green Party to show you care about politics and the planet.

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