North Lancashire Green Party is a local party of the Green Party of England & Wales covering the districts of Lancaster and Wyre, including Morecambe, Carnforth, Garstang, Fleetwood, and the Lune Valley.



Some History: From Lancaster City Council, to Lancashire County Council, to Europe


Our first 5 Green Councillors were elected to Lancaster City Council in 1999. Jon Barry was Lancaster's first Green Mayor in 2015/16.  Cllr Gina Dowding, a City Councillor (since 1999), County Councillor (since 2013) and our General Election Candidate for Morecambe and Lunesdale, was also (briefly - before Brexit!) a Green Member of the European Parliament for the North West.

We have been part of a shared administration of Lancaster City Council with other political parties since 2019. Cllr Caroline Jackson was the first Green Leader of the Council from 2021-23. 



In the 2023 Local Elections we won 21 (out of 61) seats on Lancaster City Council. We have 4 Councillors in the Cabinet (with the portfolios of Finance, Housing, Climate Emergency, and Economic Development) along with 5 Labour and 1 Liberal Democrat Councillors. Cllr Caroline Jackson is the Deputy Leader.

For 2024/25, Cllr Abi Mills is the Mayor and her son Cllr Hamish Mills is the Deputy Mayor. Story here.

You can follow the events of their mayoral year on Facebook - Mayor of Lancaster.


Key Pages


  • General Election - for more information about our recent campaign, candidates, and results. 
  • Our Local Manifesto covers our vision and priorities for a fairer greener Lancaster District. What we Stand For and Our Achievements. covers this and out into the rest of North Lancashire. See also the national party's page on What We Stand For  and for real detail, read the party's Political Programme.
  • Our People page will link you to our candidates for any recent or upcoming elections. You can find out more about Councillors, and the Executive Committee who run the local party. 
  • See our Fundraising page for information on how to help us raise funds to enable us to get more Greens elected and making a difference at all levels of government in North Lancashire.
  • We are a very active, effective and friendly group - always happy to welcome people to open events, and hear from new members, supporters and volunteers. Or find out other ways to get Involved.



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To be sent details of green-themed local events, community campaigns and consultations, volunteering and job opportunities, and news from Green Councillors in North Lancashire by email approximately every two weeks. 

Become A Green Friend

Our movement is growing. We need as many people on board as possible to change the nature of politics in England and Wales.

Did you know that you don't have to become a member to help us build fairer greener communities? We are inviting everyone to become a Green Friend, because you don’t have to be a member of the Green Party to show you care about politics and the planet.

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