unity rally on lancaster town hall Steps: standing against racism and fascism, defending immigrants and our diverse community

On Sunday 4th August, an anti-immigration march and demonstration had been called to meet up at 10am on Lancaster Town Hall steps, and publicised online by the Fascist “Tommy Robinson” (real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon), as part of the wave of protests across England that erupted in response to online misinformation about the perpetrator of a knife-crime attack in Southport, associating it with immigrants and Muslims.

In response to this, Greens joined others in putting out a call to have a ‘Unity Rally’ meeting at 9am, and a crowd of around 200 people turned up, with placards, to chant slogans such as “Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here!”

Councillor Caroline Jackson said:

“Hundreds of local people occupied the Town Hall steps all day to say no to racist demonstrators taking our space. it was determined, good humoured and peaceful. Well-led – much thanks to Eugene and Audrey. Well policed in Dalton Square and in town, so shops could do business in safety.

We know that we have to keep up a dialogue with people who feel so strongly in opposition to us and we will do that. It was good to see six Green councillors turned out in support.

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