
The North Lancashire Green Party holds regular meetings, socials, discussions, litter picks, and other activities. Some are for members only, others are open to all.

We are currently also doing a variety of campaign activities for our target seats in the upcoming Lancashire County Council elections, including door-knocking, newsletter delivery , and phone-banking.

Green Mondays: Socials and Campaigning

Our ‘Green Drinks’ socials are moving to the first Monday of each month (no longer on Thursdays!). They will still be in The Borough (Dalton Square) from 8pm, and open to all Green Party supporters and friends.

But for the next few months, in addition to Green socials, there will be campaigning activities every Monday to get involved with. Every session will be relaxed and welcoming, and we particularly encourage new people to come along. We will always campaign together in small groups and we will unwind with a drink afterwards whenever possible. All members and supporters are welcome – we hope to see you there!

On Mondays and weekends throughout March and April we will be offering other opportunities to meet fellow Green Party supporters and get involved in helping with our County Council election campaign in various ways.

Further details about each event and how to sign up will be released closer to the time.

Action Days

Members Meetings

Discussion: Local Government Reorganisation

Date & Time: Wednesday 5th February, 7.17pm

Venue: Friends Meeting House, Meeting house Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX

Annual General Meeting

Date & Time: early July , details TBC

Venue: Quakers Religious Society of Friends, Friends Meeting House, Meeting house Lane, Lancaster, LA1 1TX

Public Events

Green Fair

Date & Time: Saturday 22nd November 2025

Venue: St Thomas’s Church Hall and the Centre, Marton St, Lancaster LA1 1XX

For more information on upcoming events, please contact Emily at

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