David Mottram

David Mottram has lived in Lancaster since 2017, having previously lived in Manchester for twenty years. He worked for 30 years as a university administrator and voluntary sector manager.

From the mid-1970s, into the mid-1980s, he was actively involved in campaigning for lesbian and gay equality.

A one-time Labour Party member, David vowed never to vote Labour again at the time of the Iraq war in 2003. He was secretary of the Manchester Green Party between 2010 and 2014.

Since 2019, he has supported regular meetings of Green councillors on Lancaster city council, as Group meetings secretary, and became Co-Chair in 2024.

David says: ‘The Green Party recognises that promoting social and environmental justice, and challenging inequalities, are essential in adapting to global heating and in shaping a decent future for us all. This convinced me to support the party, and to get involved.’  

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