Donations & Fundraising

why support north lancashire green party?

To create a fairer, greener future for everyone – ourselves, children and grandchildren, our community and the whole world – we need to get more Greens elected to all levels of Government.

North Lancashire Green Party has a great track record of getting Green Councillors elected and getting Green initiatives supported by our local councils.

We had the ambition to become the largest group on Lancaster City Council in the next local elections in 2027 – but due to by-elections, we acheived it early!

Our next major goals are:

Get a large group of councillors elected to Lancashire County Council in 2025 & 2029

We’d also like to see Greens elected onto Wyre Council.

But elections cost money. For campaign materials such as newsletters, election leaflets, and window posters. 

Unlike the other parties, we can’t rely on billionaire and corporate backers, or on union subscriptions. Everything we do depends on membership subscriptions, fundraising events and donations from our supporters.

Your help, whether with fundraising or by making a donation can make a big difference, helping us to grow our movement, and get more Greens elected to work towards a sustainable, Green and just society.

Thank you for any support you are able to give.

how to donate

North Lancashire Green Party Treasurer:

Pete Moser

Cheque or cash for a one-off donation – please contact the Treasurer* to arrange. 

Debit / Credit Card – you can make a regular monthly donation via Stripe, by entering your debit/credit card details here:


Bank Transfer (BACS) Even better, if you have online banking you could make a one-off or regular donation direct to our bank account. This enables North Lancashire Green Party to keep 100% of your donation, whereas donating from a debit/credit card via Stripe incurs a small transaction fee.

Account Name: North Lancashire Green Party     

Account No: 65174256     

Sort Code: 08-92-99     

Standing Order If you don’t have online banking we can set up a regular payment for you, which also means NLGP keeps 100% of your donation. If you would like to do this, please contact our treasurer who will send you a form for setting this up.

Whichever donation method you choose please inform the treasurer together with your full name and address. This information is required as we need to keep track of who money is coming from so we can declare relevant details to the Electoral Commission – it will be used for no other purpose.

We are very happy to accept donations and support from non-members. 

If you wish to donate more than £500 in a year, you must be a citizen of the UK and on the UK electoral roll. Donations over £500 from any ineligible donor will be returned.

By making a donation you confirm that you are eligible to make political donations in the UK, and that this donation is not made for and on behalf of any other person. All donations are received subject to the regulations of the Political Parties, Elections and Referendums Act 2000.

50×50 Club: Funding our Campaign Organiser

In 2023 we launched a ‘50×50 Club’ in 2023 with the aim of enlisting 50 supporters to donate £50 per month in order to raise £30,000 per year for a Campaign Organiser’s salary (and related costs). 

Across the country local Green Party campaigns are successful when they have sufficient money to employ a full time organiser, fund strategic initiatives and motivate a fleet of volunteers.  

Our success in electing 21 Lancaster City Councillors in the May 2023 local elections wouldn’t have been possible without our brilliant Campaign Organiser, Jamie. With 8 months of part time work, the difference he made was amazing. It became clear: a full-time paid CO would unlock our capacity to recruit, train and mobilise the large numbers of candidates and volunteers that we would need in order to win more seats throughout North Lancs.

By Spring 2024 we had raised enough regular income to employ Izzy Metcalf-Riener as a permanent, but part-time Campaign Organiser. 

Can you contribute a monthly donation to be part of supporting us raising our income to the level of annual budget to employ our Campaign Manager full time?

You can find out more and access a donation/Standing Order form at:

Invitation to Join Our 50×50 Club

help with fundraising

We would love to hear from you if you:

  • have an idea for a fundraising event
  • are interested in volunteering your time to help with fundraising
  • are a singer/songwriter or in a band that would be interested in playing at a fundraising gig
  • provide a service, or have a skill, and would be happy to donate a gift voucher or an experience to a raffle or auction of promises
  • can donate some good-quality novels or children’s books for our Green Xmas Fair (late November)


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