Luke Meeks

Luke is a Graphic Designer and a passionate Green Party candidate, who is dedicated to creating a sustainable future for all. Born and raised in a small town, Luke developed a deep appreciation for nature and the environment from an early age.  He witnessed the impact of climate change on his community, and he knew that he had to take action. 

Luke was a Garstang Ward Candidate for Wyre Council in 2023, and got within 221 votes of winning the seat, which would have been the first seat for a Green Party Councillor on Wyre Council.

Luke wanted to be elected so that he can influence Wyre Council to do more to address the threats to our climate and wildlife emergencies – such as reducing carbon emissions, investing in renewable energy, protecting natural resources, and promoting sustainable agriculture.  He believes that by working together, we can create a world that is not only environmentally sustainable but also socially just and economically equitable.


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