Sue Tyldesley - Lancaster City Councillor for Warton Ward

Sue Tyldesley lives in Yealand, part of which is in Warton Ward, which she was elected to represent on Lancaster City Council in a by-election in September 2022. Sue is a former Head of Development Control at Sefton Council, and has lots of experience of local government and the planning system. She has been an active member of Yealand Conyers Parish Council for several years, gets involved in village clean-ups and is on the Village Hall Management Committee. Sue is a Quaker and she volunteers for Citizen's Advice. 

Sue runs a small local arts practice and is part of the Silverdale and Arnside Art and Craft Trail, and the Loving Earth project which helps people to engage with the climate crisis creatively through textiles. See: Sue set up the local 'crafternoon' group, bringing people together to be creative and sociable, and raise funds for charity. She worked with the Women's Institute on the Wildflower Verges project in the villages. During the pandemic Sue volunteered with the Yealand Support Group to deliver low-cost, high-quality meals produced by the local pub.

In 2023 Sue helped set up the Friends of the Roods group to help transform a little-used piece of Council land in Warton into a beautiful wildflower haven. 

To contact Cllr Tyldesley, email:


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