Gina Dowding

Gina moved to Lancaster 35 years ago, and lives in the city centre with her partner and her two adult sons. She has a background in Public Health in the NHS and project management in local charities. She is active within the area pushing for local road safety improvements and for better cycling and walking provision, and supporting local communities and our green spaces. 

Gina is one of our longest serving councillors, having been first elected to Lancaster City Council in 1999. She also has the distinction of having served in 3 levels of government – City Council, County Council, and at the EU parliament as a North West region MEP. 

Lancaster City Councillor, Marsh ward, 2019 to date

Gina is on the Cabinet, holding the Climate Action portfolio. This includes flood prevention, low carbon energy generation and energy conservation, climate emergency response, retrofitting and electrification, EV charging and active travel (implementation and monitoring).

Gina’s council work has included working for investment for safe cycling and walking, and public transport, and funding for improvements to Lancaster’s historic and cultural heritage. 

Gina is part of the leadership team of the Green and Independant Councillors’ Group on Lancaster City Council, and in that role also sits on the local party Executive Committee. 

In addition to her work on the Councils’ policy making processes, Gina also deals with a high number of specific case work issues.  

Lancashire County Councillor since 2013 

Gina sits on Lancashire’s Health Scrutiny Committee, and is determined to fight for Lancaster’s full range of quality health services and ensure that Lancaster keeps its local hospital in the New Hospitals programme for the region.  

The Lancaster Central Division on the County Council includes all of Marsh ward and parts of Castle, Scotforth West as well as Glasson Dock, Thurnham & Cockerham.


Climate and environment action. As a direct result of Gina’s initiative, Lancashire County has started a new Environment and Climate programme that will invest in nature restoration, peatland recovery, active travel, air quality and much more to tackle the climate crisis.

Anti-fracking campaign success. Gina worked alongside Fylde residents in their successful campaign against the shale gas industry. The Government has now withdrawn its support for fracking. in 2017 Gina was arrested with other local campaigners in the fight against the fracking industry.

Single-use plastic reduced. Gina pushed Lancashire County Council to adopt a plan to phase out single-use plastics and reduce plastic waste. County is now recycling pots, tubs and trays.

Divestment by Lancashire County Pension Fund. As a result of Gina’s work, the pension fund of around £9 billion has adopted a responsible and prudent investment strategy and has so far ditched its shareholdings in coal and tobacco.

GE Candidate for Morecambe and Lunesdale

Gina was our Candidate for the 2024 General Election in Morecambe and Lunesdale, receiving 2089 votes, a 4.3% vote share. 


MEP for the North West, 2019-2020

Gina’s website which contains her reports produced while MEP including her well-received Green New Deal for the North West is here

City Councillor, 1999-2007 (Cabinet Member for External Affairs)

In 2016, Gina was invited to chair the Children’s Services Scrutiny Committee, aiming to ensure good practice in all areas of children’s services across the County. Gina was instrumental in Lancaster becoming a Cycling Demonstration Town in 2005 which attracted £1.5 million of Government funding into the area.


 Follow Gina on twitter @GinaDowding

Facebook: Gina Dowding Green Party  

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