Patrick McMurray

Patrick McMurray is originally from Ireland but lived in London and Essex for about 30 years before moving to Lancaster.  His work has been with engineering companies, starting in the oil and gas industries and then in offshore wind, and sees the UK’s offshore engineering industry pivoting from oil and gas to wind, as a sort of early vision of what the Green New Deal can give us – sustainable prosperity.

Patrick was the Heysham Ward Candidate for Lancaster City Council in 2023, and in the past has served on the Executive Committee of the local party with the role of Secretary, and done the role of returning Officer. 

Patrick says:

"I feel very lucky to have moved to the area a few years ago, and I like nothing more than walking my dog along Morecambe promenade, on a lead of course, and not on the sand! 

"I’ve been a Green Party supporter for several years, as I slowly came to realise that the happy, comfortable, prosperous lives that I want to see for everybody are best met with Green Party policies. Policies around sustainable communities, social and comfortable housing, decent local transport and satisfying work for all."

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