Jack Lenox - Lancaster City Councillor for Bulk ward; General Election Candidate for Lancaster and Fleetwood; NLGP Lancaster Area Co-ordinator

Jack represents Bulk ward on Lancaster City Council, following his by-election win in May 2021. Since his election, Jack has been working hard to improve our green spaces and provide more facilities for young people, and has become the Vice-Chair of Lancaster City Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee.

 Jack said:

“I love Lancaster, and it’s a privilege to represent Bulk ward, working alongside hardworking Councillors Tim Hamilton-Cox and Caroline Jackson. As a Green Party councillor for Bulk, my priorities are dealing with litter and fly-tipping as well as protecting and improving our green spaces, playgrounds and public spaces. I’m very keen to tackle rat-running through our neighbourhoods as plans proceed with the County Council’s transport strategy for changes to the city centre.”

Jack has campaigned for years on reducing air pollution and improving active travel infrastructure, and during the Covid lockdowns he set up the city's first electric cargo bike delivery service. He is currently expanding this business to sell electric bikes and cargo bikes from a shop in Lancaster city centre.

Within the Green Party, Jack serves as the Green Party's national Culture Spokesperson. 

He is a former board member of the Gregson Community Association, and is on the Preston and Western Lancashire Racial Equality and Diversity Council. 

In June 2021 we announced our ambition to get Jack Lenox elected as the 1st Green MP for Lancaster. At the 2024 General Election, Jack received 5236 votes, a 12.2% vote share. 

Jack can be contacted at jack.lenox@greenparty.org.uk

Or for Council related matters at jlenox@lancaster.gov.uk

Jack has a website with more information about the General Election campaign at JackLenox.com  as well as our General Election page on this website.

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