Local Party Officers & Executive Committee

The Officers run the local North Lancashire Green Party on a voluntary basis, with each Officer taking responsibility for a particular aspect of the work involved. Those on the Executive Committee meet around once a month to make collective decisions, and are also responsible for acting on any decisions made at the annual Annual General Meeting or other decisions made by local members. Officers are voted in at the annual AGM, or if a position becomes vacant between times, may be co-opted into the role.  

Executive Committee Officers

Emily Heath

Co-Chair & Co-ordinator

David Mottram

Co-Chair & Co-ordinator

Maria Deery

Joint Funding Co-ordinator

Moryom Begum

Joint Funding Co-ordinator

Melanie Forest


Ceri Turner

External Communications Co-ordinator

Hamish Mills

Young Greens Co-ordinator/Chair

Ceri Mumford

Morecambe Area Co-ordinator

Caroline Montague

Wyre Area Co-ordinator

Tony Sims

Executive member without portfolio

Leadership Team Representative from Lancaster City Council Green and Independent Councillors’ Group

One person from the 4 members of the leadership team below will attend Executive Committee meetings, and will have one vote.

Caroline Jackson

Group Leader

Paul Tynan

Group Co-ordinator

Sally Maddocks

Group Co-ordinator

Sarah McGowan

Group Co-ordinator

Executive Officer Vacancies

Lancaster Area Co-ordinator

Rural Area (North) Co-ordinator

Membership Secretary – Emily Heath and Izzy Metcalf-Riener are currently covering this role in the meantime.

Other Officers and Roles

National Party Link Officer Gina Dowding
Data ControllerJack Lenox
Local Party Disputes & Complaints ManagerNancy Mills
FundraisersMoryom Begum, Tony Sims, Emily Heath, Sue Tyldesley
TreasurerPete Moser
Newsletter editorPatricia Clarke
Publications EditorEmily Heath
Press OfficerGina Dowding
Press teamGina Dowding, Ceri Turner, Mandy Bannon, Tony Sims-Novis
Social Media Manager / EditorCeri Turner
Website Manager & EditorCeri Turner, Patricia Clarke
Archivist and News Digest Diana Jones, Sally Maddocks
Returning Officer Tony Sims-Novis
Election Agents & Nominating Officers Lancaster –  Anne Chapman; Wyre – vacant
Selection Panel Chair –from Councillor management group
Volunteer Coordinator –Izzy Metcalf-Riener

There are various other volunteer roles which help to make our local party work effectively, including: Ward Contacts, Green View Distribution Co-ordinators, Distributors of Green Views and Campaign Materials, Canvassers, Secretary to the Green Cllrs Group, and volunteers at fundraising events.

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