Sarah Punshon - Lancaster City Councillor for Bowerham Ward

Sarah lives in Bowerham and is passionate about supporting the local community, particularly enabling children to reach their full potential. She is a founder member of Friends of Winchester Field and Nature Area, an active volunteer with local refugee projects, and a Governor of Skerton St Lukes Primary School. 

Sarah set up and runs local charity One Tenth Human, who collaborate with partners such as Lancaster University Engineering Department to create STEM-inspired adventures, running workshops in schools across the North West and touring their award-winning shows nationally. She also regularly directs the Dukes’ flagship family show in Williamson Park. 

Her children attend Moorside Primary, and often join her on community litter picks!

Sarah was elected to Lancaster City Council to represent Bowerham Ward in 2023, eager to work collaboratively with other Green councillors, and indeed councillors from all parties, to help make Lancaster an incredible place to live, work, and visit: now, and for our children. 

 To contact Cllr Punshun - email:

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