Tom Fish - Lancaster City Councillor for University and Scotforth Rural Ward

 Tom is a climate activist who prides himself on his actions to pressure companies and the government to make positive change that both reduces our environmental impact and improves our lifestyles in a de-growth fashion. Tom first attended a demonstration in 2019, with the school strikes for climate movement. Attending this protest was an eye-opening experience that showed Tom that young people can be central to democracy and political discussion. This empowered him to read the news and understand injustices that he previously didn’t feel capable of understanding. Since then, Tom’s joined other activist groups, including the UK Student Climate Network, Lancaster Youth For Environment, Extinction Rebellion, and more.

Tom is also involved in Acorn Union and the Tenants and Community Union (TACU) which help combat the challenging housing situation in Lancaster and Morecambe. Most landlords and letting agencies are not making an effort to improve the cost and quality of housing, and there are many cases in Lancaster of housing law being ignored. TACU is working to even the balance of power between landlord and tenant by hosting 'know your rights' training and campaign to ensure the community is more resistant to law-breaking landlords.

Tom has worked in a range of roles, including retail, landscaping, and youth work. In these jobs, he’s learnt about the experiences of people in the Lancaster district, and their beliefs about how they should be supported. He also spends a lot of time on campus helping with events and enjoys the student culture at Lancaster University. T

Tom was elected to Lancaster City Council representing University and Scotforth Rural Ward in 2023.

To contact Cllr Fish - email:


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