Palestine Action and Resources


1) Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC: campaigning locally as ‘Lancaster for Palestine’)

– Local mailing list for anyone who would like to be added to the mailing group or WhatsApp group:

– Weekly public events, every Saturday at 1.00pm, Market Square, Lancaster.

– Contact for booking coach places for national protests in London.

– Look at resources available on the national PSC website: 

2) Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS)

Learn more about the Palestinian-led BDS movement, and about personal choices you can make to give your support:

3) Put a poster, flag, or other Palestinian image in your window

Make your support for the Palestinian people visible, and make it a talking point.  

4) Direct action against BAE Systems 

Support protests at factory sites of BAE and its sub-contractors. 

Contact: Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Facebook –

Instagram – 

5)Petition James Cropper/Technical Fibre Products (TFP)

TFP, based at Burneside, are sub-contractors for BAE Systems on the F-35 fighter programme. 

Please sign the petition by South Lakeland CND:

6) Medical Aid for Palestinians (MAP)

Consider donating to MAP: 

7)  Other personal actions: 

Encourage support for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza from your trade union, faith group, or other organisation.

Write to your MP with your views and ask for their support.

Challenge any use of the restrictive IHRA definition of anti-Semitism (e.g. by Cumberland Council).

Share our view that events in Gaza and the West Bank are being misrepresented by the Israeli government.

Complain to the BBC about false ‘balance’ in reporting on Palestine and Israel – and, watch news on Al Jazeera. 

8) Learn about Palestinian history and culture  

Project work in schools? Zine making? If you have influence in schools, or in youth and community organisations, could you help encourage exploring positive representations of Palestinian history and culture?   

palestine Resources


Blue Box documents how the Jewish National Fund acquired land in Palestine before and after the creation of the state of Israel. Director Michal Veits draws on his great grandfather’s diaries and powerful black-and-white film footage. First shown on Channel 4 in 2021, the film is available on BBC Four – Storyville.  


Ilan Pappe, The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (2006)

Rashid Khalidi, The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine (2020).

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