Events Calendar

The calendar below shows Green Party meetings and other events. We hold meetings for members throughout the year. These are sometimes in person, sometimes on Zoom and sometimes hybrid - where you can attend either in person or on Zoom. Many of these meetings are also open to non-members to attend. 


Emailing list Subscription

To be sent details of green-themed local events, community campaigns and consultations, volunteering and job opportunities, and news from Green Councillors in North Lancashire by email approximately every two weeks. 

Become A Green Friend

Our movement is growing. We need as many people on board as possible to change the nature of politics in England and Wales.

Did you know that you don't have to become a member to help us build fairer greener communities? We are inviting everyone to become a Green Friend, because you don’t have to be a member of the Green Party to show you care about politics and the planet.

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